Looking for a Healthy Snack

You are looking for a healthy snack, so you decide to try fresh fruit instead of those unhealthy chips.
You go to the supermarket and find mountains of fresh fruit. Their ruby red color draw to the fresh, juicy, and highly nutritious strawberries. strawberries. Like most berries, strawberries are packed full of healthy ingredients. Vitamin C, minerals, fiber, and powerful anti-oxidants like anthocyanin. These nutrients help to prevent many chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurological diseases, chronic inflammation, and infection.

But there is a fly in the ointment. Strawberries are one of the most heavily sprayed foods grown today world-wide. As many as 54 different pesticides are used in the growing of strawberries. Separately they are all found on the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) list, but together who knows how safe.

Now the state of California wants to add a new pesticide called methyl iodide .Methyl iodide is replacing methyl bromide which has been banned because it damages the protective ozone layer of our atmosphere. However, methyl iodide has been found to be a serious hazard to humans. It may cause such symptoms as loss of motor coordination, dizziness, motor and sensory issues, and Parkinson-like symptoms. According to John Froines, professor of environmental health sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles methyl iodide is “one of the most toxic chemical on earth.”Theodore A Slotkin, professor of pharmacology and cancer biology at Duke University Medical Center noted “When we come across a compound that is known to be a neurotoxin as well as an endocrine disruptor, it would seem prudent to err on the side of caution…
The test animals are us.

Pesticides are found everywhere especially in our drinking water. As well as all of our produce (fruits and vegetables)..
You can avoid these pesticides by only buying ORGANIC produce and using filtered water.. The following is a list of the ten most contaminated produce in our everyday food supply

The Most dirty

Bell Peppers

To matter worse it’s impossible to remove pesticides that are used to grow your fruits and vegetable because the pesticides are put into the soil so the plant sucks up the pesticide along with the nutrients and water. This process allows the produce to incorporate the pesticides into its structure.

As you can see it is no longer a luxury to eat organic foods, it’s essential to your health.

When you can’t eat organically grown foods choose these least harmful foods.

Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas
Sweet Potato
Honeydew Melon

For more information go to http://www.foodnews.org/methodology.php

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